Em-i-lis gorgeously featured on Food52

I awoke this morning with a sore back (too much garden) and a stopped-up nose (damn cold) but otherwise feeling quite good.

Then I saw this gorgeous story on Food52 highlighting a salad of mine of which I'm quite fond. Not only do I now have another photo of a dish of mine by the insanely talented food photographer, James Ransom, but also I'm so touched by the generous sentiments and tone in the article itself (written by another terrifically talented individual, Lindsay-Jean Hard).

She picks up on some of the things I most enjoy about cooking-combining ingredients not often thought of as friends- and on my effort to avoid food waste by finding new uses for bits and parts often tossed. 

It's a lovely surprise when you feel that quiet elements, things you take pride in, of your being are noticed and appreciated. What a Sunday surprise. 

PS- Nigella wants to eat it too! Lawd a'mercy! 

A celebrated salad

Friends, I was so delighted to find that my Tomato, Peach, Chevre and Herb Salad with Apple Vinaigrette was recently chosen as a Community Pick on Food52

FiggyPudding's review was so lovely, and if you try this salad before tomato and peach season are gone until 2017, I hope you enjoy it. 

YES! I absolutely love the combination of peaches and tomatoes. I used gorgeous heirlooms and they really shined in this dish. It came together super-fast, was stunning, and was better than any Caprese. I would make this time and again in the height of tomato season...

A Food52 Wildcard Win; soon to Richmond


There was a very silly school-start delay of two hours this morning, but the boys were troopers about hanging out in the kids' club so I could keep my appointment at the gym. We then hit the library, I dropped them off, went to the market and returned home to my very cold but very quiet home. Dear family friends are coming for dinner tonight, so I wanted to start cooking and maybe sit a long spell on the couch because I feel slightly on the bad side of icky.

A good couch is such an underrated place to spend time. While huddling under my blanket with my other two boys nearby, I found via email from a friend that my Farro Salad with Gold Beets, Feta and Pecans had been awarded a Wildcard Win on Food52 today. What a nice surprise! Thanks to the editors and to Mark Weinberg for the lovely photo.


For dinner tonight, I'm making a kale salad, a caramelized shallot and cabbage tart with tasso, and some spiced molasses cookies. Simple and delicious. And tomorrow, for the first time in years, I will happily and enthusiastically pack because on Friday morning, T and I are heading to Richmond to celebrate his birthday weekend.

I literally could not be looking forward to this getaway more. Three nights of great meals, excellent drink, adult conversation and SLEEP! No schedule, spontaneity, quiet! Aaaahhhh.....