Not-Deviled Deviled Eggs

Summary: I have never liked deviled eggs. Unless yolks are well-scrambled or fried, I just can't get on board, and plain, hard-boiled yolks are the absolute worst. That said, I love egg whites and the idea of deviled eggs as a snack. So, these! 

Yield: 12


  • 6 large eggs, preferably organic & cage-free
  • hummus, either plain or garlic-flavored
  • 2-3 oil-packed sundried tomatoes, slivered


Hardboil, cool and peel your eggs. Cut each in half lengthwise and remove and discard the yolk (or save for another purpose). Fill each yolk divot with hummus and top with a tomato sliver. Serve.

This is a great afternoon snack!