Em-i-lis is 2!
/Happy Birthday, Em-i-lis! She's 2! She's 2! Happy as can be!
Thank you all for reading me,
Keep it up so we can celebrate 3!
Truly, what a wonderfully fun two years of writing, venting, sharing, laughing, learning, connecting, getting to know you, cooking, drinking, pondering sadnesses, wondering about the future, considering regret, eating some more. Thank you so much for reading and reaching out. I'm forever grateful.
I'd love, LOVE to hear your favorite Em-i-lis tidbits from the past year(s) so please write, in the comments here or to me personally if you're so inspired.
Isn't my ranunculus perfection incarnate? What a beautiful picture.
And now on to olive oil poached swordfish, cut fresh from this beauty Ol and I saw at the market today, as well as braised carrots and fennel with honey and orange. Olive bread and good butter, more cocktails (yo, that's an Applejack Rabbit) or wine, the lemon-raspberry cake and hopefully a Real Time from Friday.