I've long been wanting to combine Meyer lemon juice and coconut milk in dessert form so yesterday stopped musing and started doing. There's been too much in the way of cake and pie lately but crème brûlée? Now that's a dessert I don't cross paths with nearly often enough. I'm thrilled with this recipe not only because it turned out beautifully -creamy, lemony, faintly coconutty- but also because I challenged myself to make the custard based on knowledge I've gleaned from puttering around and experimenting in my kitchen.
I've never made crème brûlée before and didn't look at a recipe; instead I thought about the times I've whipped egg yolks with sugar in a double boiler, watching as the sugar dissolves and the eggs thicken. I recalled the way warm custards bake beautifully in a waterbath. And I let myself be guided by what I know and like about each of my main ingredients. Tom, a crème brûlée devotee, said this was scrumptious while Oliver, now a devotee, remarked of his first crème experience, "that lemon stuff is YUMMY! Please may I have another bowl?" Jack, a good eater whose repertoire is, sadly, limited by his palate's complete inability to handle most mush (hates mashed potatoes, cheesecake, mac & cheese, grilled cheese, quesadillas, you get my drift) did not want to go anywhere near the pudding though he did stick his tongue to the mound on the spoon and say that the flavor was nice. I'll post the recipe soon.