Two things I just don't get; Awesome gift o' bounty

Y'all, I simply do not understand salads in Mason jars. Why is this a thing? I don't want to mash salad fixings into a jar and then eat from it. Honestly, this concept baffles me. As do fanny packs. I can understand their functionality, which is more than I can say for the Mason jar salad, but the lap purse is a trend that needs to call it quits. So do high-waisted short shorts. Yesterday, I came home after the gym to find that a friend who'd told me she was dropping off some freshly-picked produce from her parents' farm had wildly understated the bounty she was really leaving me. Look at all this!!! Unbelievable. I made a delicious sauté with a sampling of it and also, of course, a watermelon-feta-mint salad. Summer eating as fresh as it gets.

The AROMO renovation is nearly complete, and I am so excited. Naturally, Oliver has decided that he loves his playhouse and the new rug. I told him he was two years too late but if he was gentle, we could share the desk. He agreed.