Scheduling time "off", cool news

This week I noted on my calendar that I should "do nothing but catch up on life." I wrote and meant that. Literally. And I've stuck to it, and frankly, it's been fantastic. I have finally transferred all summer clothes to my storage bins, reintroducing myself to my winter duds as I drew them out to make room. My closet looks as if some Container Store enthusiast whipped through, so tidily hung are the hangers, so pleasingly organized are the shoes. This will last for no more than a fleeting moment, but for today, I'll take it. I also cleaned out the boys' drawers and closets, removing all that they've outgrown or would render them icicles now. Extremely satisfying, y'all! I raked all the leaves in the front yard to the median in anticipation of the leaf sucking truck DC sends round once a season to collect. I've also got a two week schedule in place so that I can calmly prepare for several upcoming catering jobs and our own Thanksgiving. I have not succeeded in finding my dining table and wonder if I should just give in to the fact that it's been repurposed as a desk/storage area.

So, guess what happened today? The instructor from whom I took my most recent writing class asked me last week if I'd contribute to her blog, Woman Mother Writer. She posted my piece today, and I'm very flattered.

And with that, it's bathtime. Not mine, mind you. The kids'- duhn-duhn...cue the scary music!