Last night's dinner and dance party

Our little celebration last night was such fun. We decided against further cocktails because they are so tricky; you think you're totally fine and then you're not. When your wake-up call won't be late, you really have to consider whether or not post-cocktail fog is feasible and/or worth it. As both kids are still on break, it seemed wise to put away the Applejack and instead move to wine. Good decision. I started this swordfish steak a'poaching and concurrently braised the carrots and fennel. How incredibly plugged in do the carrots look? Wow farmers market, thank you!


carrots a-glow-glow

When just done, I topped the fish with caper, olive, lemon, parsley confetti, and all that plus the olive bread was great.



Sometime during all that, we realized that Jack was definitely awake. Some story, definitely fabricated, about a nightmare, but feeling festive, I invited him down for a bite of my cake. Fortunately, he did not like it -more for me- so I let him nosh on a few jelly beans and join our dance party. He got out his electric guitar, a harmonica and a blue, plastic, star-shaped clapper and went to town as a one-man band. We rocked to a Pandora playlist built off an "I Love Rock -n- Roll" request, and my primary takeaways are these: if you have Pandora, immediately make this playlist and you will be thrilled(!), and dancing tipsy-like with your 6½ year old can really be a gas.
