Daylight Savings
/Daylight Savings drives me bananas. Yes, it's ultimately nice to get the extra hour of daylight but it wreaks havoc on kids' sleeping schedules. Oliver started calling for us at 5am, came into our bed, never went back to sleep and is now in an extremely bad mood. Blimey- every single time we spring forward or fall back. Who can believe the election is but two days away? GObama. I'll be glad things are over and done but comedic fodder might be lacking afterwards. Or not. It remains to be seen.
Off to the farmers market soon- I'm having a yen for chicken Kiev so need some happy chicken breasts! I might also get a parcel of fresh mushrooms for a veggie bolognese a la Meatless Monday. We'll see what they have, what's new, what's heading out...
J is having a minor meltdown about not being able to make rope like a professional so let me go tend to that.