Hilarious quarantine responses thus far + lovely ones too

OMG y’all, people can be GD hilarious! I’m gonna start sharing my favorite comedic responses to folks being holed up in their homes. Guffawing keeps us healthy.

Here’s today’s laugh track (click on each title to access link):

Spanish man DJs his stove

Hand puppet eating cars

Woman shares epically embarrassing tale for our benefit



true story

true story

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And here are some lovely things:

Chicago aquarium closes but lets penguins out to see the exhibits

Our neighborhood is doing a Shamrock Scavenger Hunt tomorrow in which houses place a drawing or whatever of a shamrock in a street-facing window, and kids out for walks with their families can see how many they can find. Ol has ours ready to go! We’re also doing an art show in much the same way- posting art of any kind in windows to share with neighbors walking past.

I’m off to make my baby’s birthday cake- he turns 11 tomorrow! Hope you are all staying well and keeping sane.