Sinus infection, news from NY

Most unfortunately, I have one of the 3-4 sinus infections I get annually. So I'm not sure I'll be doing much today besides being grateful that my MIL wants to come play with the boys this afternoon and reading in bed. Nonetheless, a note that Em-i-lis Recipes just reached 75 delicious ideas, many of them simple. So fear not, jump in, pick one and have fun.

Also, did you see that NYC just decided to mandate sex-education? By this I mean real sex-ed, none of that abstinence-only BS that does not work. So, yay for you NYC. What a bastion of progressive thinking you are: gay marriage, sex-ed. Cheers!

I will attempt to rouse myself later, but you might just get pitiful musings on my sorry nose, aching face and irritating cough.