Preserve the herbs

I must share with you a wonderful tip from my friend Cynthia who seems to have finally, maybe, hopefully, rid my fridge (and yours!) of unwanted, wasteful, herbs-gone-to-slime. How many bunches of parsley have you lost? How many times have your fingers encountered the vile, unwelcome surprise that is past-its-prime cilantro? No more! Per Cynthia, ready a Mason jar or juice glass by filling it 3/4 full with cold, fresh water. Rinse your bunch of whatever herb you've got, trim the ends (I skipped this because I'm lazy and haven't noticed any bad result), and stick the bunch in the jar like a bouquet. Place it on your countertop snipping off what you need when you need it. Cynthia encourages giving the herbs fresh water each day but I've yet to do that (see aforementioned laziness). I do refill the water to make sure it stays at a nice, full level, and so far my parsley, cilantro and basil are doing better than ever. I swear I tried every trick in the book, but I didn't try taking them out of the fridge. Genius!

Cynthia also makes her own bagels, for the love! If you want to know how to do that, visit