Oscars, snow day, Sprouts recipe

Thanks for all the interest in the Crispy Brussels sprouts dish I've been making since being knocked off my chair at Blue Duck Tavern last Thursday. Recipe is now posted in Sides, and you can also click here. Don't wince when you see the amount of olive oil called for. It's what makes these puppies crispy. Also, don't be shy about your salt and pecorino use. The salt brightens the entire dish immeasurably and the pecorino is clutch! As perhaps are you, we are snowed in again. Yesterday's rain gave way to an overnight freeze which this morning changed hats and has blanketed us with more o' the white stuff. Lots of it. We knew yesterday school would be cancelled but I admit that when I woke up this morning and realized that anew, I suffered a brief meltdown. Pity party? Check. Now over it? As best I can be.

The boys and I watched lots of old home movies and looked at countless pictures from birthdays and fun times past. It was an hour's trip down memory lane and was delightful. Now they're watching...wait for it...Star Wars. Revenge of the Sith. Again. Whatever. They're in the basement, and I'm in the kitchen. I decided that the best way to give winter the middle finger salute would be to make a pie that screams SPRING!

Southern Cal rhubarb and Mexican strawberries I couldn't pass up at the market a few days back? Yes, thank you, good purchase. Into a pie went they. I just pulled this baby out of the oven and can't wait to enjoy it later.




I thought this year's Oscars show was the best in some time. Ellen was terrific, Lupita looked gorgeous, Jared Leto gave a lovely speech, Matthew gave such a Matthew one. The pizza delivery was a hoot, and the selfie shot turned out great. Did y'all see it?

Ellen's Oscars selfie