Have hit a wall
/Have mercy, people. What kind of type-A overachiever am I? Since noon, I have made stewed prunes, canned 5 jars of cherry-cardamom jam and 5 of sour cherry-rhubarb chutney, made the boys’ dinner and have started ours. While I enjoyed the stewing and canning processes and, in the meantime, successfully rid myself of all but about a cup of cherries, I am now completely wiped and the old migraine is fully back. If you do not have migraines, feel lucky. They are really awful. Meds don’t work for mine because they’re hormonal -another drop in the lucky gal bucket- so I just soldier through. Tonight I’m calling in vinous reinforcements which hopefully will help rather than harm. I’m not usually such a canning freak but a) I did buy all this stuff and commit to it because b) I’m a vendor at a local Arts Market in September so figured I better start well ahead of time so I actually have goods to sell.