/Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there, especially mine, Daddy, and my T, a wonderful father to our boys!
We let T sleep in this morning, and during those many early hours played, made a blackberry pie and homemade cards and then kissed him briefly as he emerged from bed and we left for the farmers market. It was an abundance of all good things, and as the boys sucked on Pleasant Pops (Chongos for Ol, pineapple basil for J), we meandered about buying strawberries, garlic scapes, rhubarb, bread, cheese, lavender and a smattering of other goodies. Can you tell that I am really(!) getting excited for the hours I'll have this week while the boys are at camp? Don't even call me. It's me and my kitch!
After dropping everything off, the boys and I left again for brunch at a dear friend's house. Her children and grandkids are in town, and the kids played while the adults ate and chatted. It was positively lovely. Ol woke up at 4a with a nightmare, and I never got back to sleep so as he started to wane, we said our goodbyes and headed home for some quiet time.
I'm happy that a beloved former teacher is coming to babysit later so T and I can spend some time together. The gym beckons, we'll grill a pizza tonight, and at some point, I seriously hope to cook!