Enough said
So, after bath time, I ran downstairs to get my phone, thinking I'd take a cute shot of the boys, but as I headed back up, to hysterical cackle-type laughter, I caught sight of the above. Oliver's sweet bum with WHAT tucked inside? Apparently, a small bit of styrofoam packing material from the box in which my new sandals were (still?) nestled.
Really, this moment perfectly encapsulates Ol's mischievousness, the sort of comedy which makes Jack tick (I about peed in my pants because as a surprise, this was hilarious), and my day.
Butts come up SO often in my daily conversations. It's just remarkable. As such, it may not surprise you that I am, at the tender time of not-yet-seven, at the very-last-drop end of my second glass of wine. It's an excellent bottle of wine, if that makes any difference: the Greywacke 2012 Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough, NZ. I highly recommend it. As with many NZ Sauv Blancs, it's nearly clear in the glass; straw-colored I'd say if forced to choose a hue. Immediately you are confronted with the fabulous, racy, herbal grassiness of good NZ SBs. I absolutely love these wines when done well. Each and every sip manages to cleanse, satisfy, excite and entice. Which is one reason I've just finished la deuxième.
I am dying, DYING to make the Giant Green Pie recipe published in today's NYT Dining section, but I am NOT sure I want to wait two more hours for the finished product. Instead I might do something with the enormous mess o' arugula I recently culled from my garden. A pesto? A spread? Ooh, what about a Bûcheron and arugula pesto frittata? And that's a go.