13 May 2020: Daily

Oh, man, we just participated in a virtual camp campfire which is now a weekly, and much beloved, treat. We will all be so crushed if the boys can’t go this summer. Camp is the most magical, special place, and I can’t fathom a better way to spend some time post-, or mid-quarantine than on a tiny Maine island with traditions and friends and challenges and no electricity and lots of nature. We know it won’t start on time, but all of us have everything crossed for a least part of a summer.

A few delights for you today:

Drunk hogs.


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10 May 2020: Some humor + light

I had a truly lovely Mother’s Day and thought about my own wonderful mother, grandmothers, sister, mother-in-law, aunts, and cousins, but also all the women who have mothered, mentored, and guided me in life. If today was difficult for you, I am so very sorry, and I send love.

Today I thought I’d share some fun and delight.

This is the best of sports and connection.

This is just cool. A cedar corset?

This is therapeutic.

This is all of us, 8+ weeks in.

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7 May 2020: Daily Humor

Y’all, look what I saw today: a squirrel sitting at the picnic table we made them, eating like a fiend.

I love this addition to our yard. It delights me every single time I spy it from a window.

I so appreciated the many notes I received from you following the Shelter de Mayo post. The more we can share and vent and bear witness to each other’s struggles and the incredible loss and worry around the world, the less alone we’ll feel.

Today’s laugh track follows:

Sarah Cooper is one of the best things to come out of this corona shit.

Did 2020 really need murder hornets, too?

Did 2020 really need murder hornets, too?



True story.

True story.

And this is just really flipping cute. I do love other people’s dogs. Well, most of them.